zone 3 training

Zone 3 Training

Zone 3 training typically refers to a specific heart rate zone used in cardiovascular exercise training. It’s generally considered to be a moderate intensity effort, where your heart rate is elevated to about 70-80% of your maximum heart rate. To determine your maximum heart rate, subtract your age from 220. For example, if you are…

pre-training nutrition

Pre-Training Nutrition

Pre-training nutrition is essential for optimizing performance and recovery during exercise. Here are some important things to consider: Overall, pre-training nutrition strategies should focus on hydrating the body, providing adequate carbohydrates and protein, and timing meals appropriately. What are some good pre-training snacks? Choosing the right pre-training snacks can help fuel your body and optimize…

agility training for cycling

Agility Training for Cycling

Agility training for cycling refers to exercises and drills that help improve a cyclist’s ability to quickly and effectively respond to changes in speed, direction, and terrain. This type of training focuses on developing balance, coordination, body control, and reaction time. It can include a variety of activities such as balance exercises, drills that simulate…